Friday, March 4, 2011

Better Angle For The Marilyns

On Thursday, Emily and I did some more walking, lured out by the bright sunshine, even if the temperatures were not very warm. Coming back from the Community Center, where I unsuccessfully attempted to sign Emily up for one of their programs, we passed by the Marilyns again.

Today, it's warmer - but we've both been puttering around with our respective projects; and Emily has gotten another audiobook about owls. So, thought I'd let her listen to that for awhile and work on her own things. Emily's yearning for summer, I think:


  1. Why are the buildings called "The Marilyns"? Is it because they're curvy and so was Marilyn Monroe?!?!? Or did an architect named Marilyn design them? Or are they occupied by the Marilyn Corporation? Or have you told us in a previous post and I totally missed it? :0)

    I love Emily's beach scene! Makes me yearn for a day at the beach!


  2. Hi Tricia! I don't remember if I mentioned it on this blog before or not. The pair's "proper name" is the Absolute buildings; but our guide to Mississauga (from the relocation office) said that folks had taken to calling them "the Marilyns." And it was because of their curvaceousness, yes. I just love that! The thing that fascinates me about them is how, when you get closer to the base and look up, it's like you're approaching a tornado frozen in time. I've always been fascinated by the funnel cloud shape, so I guess that's why I've taken such a shine to them. And, as I am generally partial to more classical architectural designs, it's unusual for me to be partial to a modern one. I'm hoping the construction barriers will be removed before we leave Canada, so I can get right next to one and take another few photos. :-)
